domain name availability

Domain Name Registration

If you are reading this article, then you must already know how important a domain name is, right? If you check Domain Name Registration, then you’ll know that it represents the brand. Well, it goes without saying that a domain name is your true identity when you take your business online. People are going to know you by the domain name you choose. So, you have to be extra careful when selecting it. There are different ways in which a domain name can be created and techniques that you can follow.

Use the Right Domain Extensions – when you think of making a new domain name, the first thing that strikes your mind is “.com”. This is the case with most people in the industry, but that is also for a reason. The term .com is the most common and popular domain extension that we have seen since the last few decades. Even now, 43% of all domain extensions in the world are made of “.com”. It is not only very much familiar to everyone on this planet, but it is also very easy to remember. However, in order to attract more people and give your website a good domain name, you can use “.net” and “.org”. This will help the audience to discover your site easily over time.

Make It Brandable Over Generic – one of the creative ways in which you can give your domain name a whole new dimension is by making it brandable. Creative and brandable content is more effective than generic ones. 

You should remember that the visitors will be landing on your website because they were able to remember the domain name. It is the foundation of your business and your brand. A brandable domain name is always unique and creative, which helps it to stand out among all the other names that are present in the industry.

Try To Use Shorter Names – the length of your domain name is going to impact your online presence significantly. It is always a wise decision to use shorter names when branding your website. The most commonly used length is around 12 characters. Keeping your name short and concise will allow your audience to remember it quite easily. So, it makes the name memorable and brandable at the same time. Keep your target between 6 – 12 characters.

It Should Be Easy To Type – when you think of the most popular websites in the world, what comes to your mind? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, right? What do you find common in all of them? All of the names are easy to pronounce and spell. Similarly, if you want your visitors to come to your website without a problem, then your domain name should be easy to type. If you have a very complicated spelling, then more than half of the people won’t be able to remember it. Also, it helps you to avoid any potential mistypes that may occur when typing a complex name.

Avoid Hyphens and Numbers – you should avoid using too many hyphens or numbers. It is better to use none of them. You have to keep in mind that the domain name must be spelt and pronounced easily. The use of hyphens and numbers can make it more difficult. Your domain name should be punchy and very sleek so that people can quickly search your website whenever they want to. Always stick to the letters and use nothing else in there. Visit some of the domain name registration sites, and you will see that very few or almost none of the website have any hyphen or special characters used to create their Best Domain Name Provider.

Use Proper Keywords – if you can use proper keywords that are related to the work you are doing or the industry you are in, it will help your domain name to be more popular. Keywords can help to improve your overall SEO score, and that is why you need to use them carefully. However, do not try to overstuff the name with unnecessary keywords. Put the keyword at the beginning of the domain & it will create a very powerful impact. There are many third-party websites or software that will help you to find the best keywords related to your industry and the business you’re doing.

Simple Goes a Long Way – one of the very reasons why the most successful websites in the world are successful is because they are simple. Simplicity is a hard thing to achieve. But, if you can, then it will take you a long way. Simple names are easier to remember, sound better and help to show your brand’s true identity. Use the right keyword, maintain the right character count and keep the domain name simple. You’ll see that your website is getting more views than you could imagine. Make sure to implement these tips to create the best domain name for your website. Also, don’t forget to check domain name online, so that you can be sure of using unique names. It will save you from any legal infringements.


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